

Monday, February 27, 2012

. quotes part 18 .

Lama dah rasanya tak berquotes! Maklumlah. Kalau post love quotes niyy, ada pulak yang cakap status aku semuanya macam perlukan lelaki kannnnz. Ahaha. Sori la kalau ada yang terasa pedas disini yea. :)

Tentu ada masalah dengan mata saya kerana ia tidak boleh berhenti daripada melihat kamu.

Those who try to do something and FAIL are infinitely better than those who try to do NOTHING and SUCCEED.

I'm the author of my life. Unfortunately i'm writing in pen and i can't erase my mistakes.

I'm beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistakes.

Sometimes, people who say they don't care usually care the most.